Arcade Video Game Repair
Bring that original coin-op classic back to life!
I've returned to providing these services after a long hiatus. From 2004-2012, I repaired thousands of machines all over North, East and Central Texas. Also provided the official Donkey Kong machine used by G4tv on their E3 2009 broadcast.
If in the Dallas / Fort Worth / Denton area, read on!

I'm back to offering vintage arcade video game repair in North Texas on a case-by-case basis. On-site repair services will be limited until summer 2024, but you can drop off your arcade classic at our Denton warehouse for it's repair needs.
If parts are not available or if I'm not the best person for your specific game title, I'll work to refer to you someone who can help you.
Diagnostic fees may apply in order to provide your specific needs. If outside the Dallas area, repairs of some items may be available by mail.
Contact me today with your needs, questions and details and I look forward to working toward putting your old favorite back in action!